The Chinese are coming. Yes, to buy more goods from the Philippines!
The Association for Philippines-China Understanding (APCU) will host a trade delegation this week from the China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) with plans to buy more products for the huge China consumer market.
APCU Chairman former Sec Raul Lambino visited Nanning, Guangxi Autonomous Region last week. It is home of the annual trade show featuring products from the ASEAN and other countries.
Lambino expressed elation that in spite of escalating anti-China atmosphere in the country, the CAEXPO trade delegation are coming to help our local exporters find market in China. This year’s trade exhibit will be held on September 24-28.
We need this more than ever to build more bridges of people-to-people and business-to-business contacts and cooperation, he said.
Last year, the Philippines sold US$10.36M during the 20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) with several of the 15 participating SMEs also booking more orders aside from the onsite retail sales.
Lambino said fresh durian waspopular among the product offerings from the Philippines that had more than half of the sales at US$5.4M. It was followed by natural-based calamansi and energy drinks as well as banana chips, contributing more than US$1.0M each, he added.
The Philippine participation is part of the country’s long-standing friendly relations with China, the country’s top trading partner, he said.
Lambino also said it will host on June 7 the Awards for Promoting Philippines-China Understanding (APPCU) to honor Filipinos who contributed in building the good relations between the two nations.